Faithful Citizenship Institute

“CST is not just for us, it’s for the whole world. We need to propagate it; we need to teach it. We need to announce it from the rooftops.”

Bishop Robert Barron

The Faithful Citizenship Institute convenes educational events designed to help the faithful infuse Catholic Social Teaching into their policy work.

Upcoming Events: FCFC Release Series

FCFC Overview Tuesday evenings in February (6, 13, 20, 27)

FCFC Introductory Letter
The U.S. Bishops’ Reflection on Catholic Teaching and Political Life
Applying Catholic Teaching to Major Issues: A Summary of Policy Positions of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Goals for Political Life: Challenges for Citizens, Candidates, and Public Officials

FCFC Part One Deep Dive Tuesday evenings in March (6, 13, 20, 27)

Why Does the Church Teach About Issues Affecting Public Policy?

Who in the Church Should Participate in Political Life?

How Does the Church Help the Catholic Faithful to Speak About Political and Social Questions?

What Does the Church Say About Catholic Social Teaching in the Public Square?

Four Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

FCFC Part Two Deep Dive Tuesday evenings in April (2, 9, 16, 23, 30)

FCFC Part Three Deep Dive Tuesday evenings in May (7, 14, 21, 28)

Capitol Hill Monday Lunch Series on CST 101

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Design your own Event

The Faithful Citizenship Institute will help you design and coordinate an event to meet your Catholic policy goals. We maintain an array of workshop topics around CST and a list of Catholic experts from academia and the religious life who can come to your location and address