FCI empowers Catholic policy leaders with the knowledge, tools, and resources to effectively implement Catholic moral teachings. Catholic Social Teaching serves as a crucial guide in the development, debate, and enactment of effective public policy, both in Washington, D.C. and state capitols across America.
The Faithful Citizenship Institute (FCI) inspires Catholic policy makers to prioritize faith over politics.
Bring the beauty and wisdom of Catholic Social Teaching to capitols around the United States by equipping policy leaders with the knowledge and resources to infuse these foundational principles into policy discourse and solutions.
Educate policymakers on the four principles of Catholic Social Teaching and the policy priorities outlined in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.
Convene policymakers to foster fellowship and collaborative action.
Engage policymakers with the tools and resources to implement Catholic Social Teaching in policy analysis and development by aligning policy positions and goals for political life with Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.